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Shopping Guide

This is the shopping guide for ordering in our shop, please see the following steps:

· When you find an item you would like to order, choose the color, size, and quantity. Click the “Add to Bag” button.

· To view your items, click the “Shopping Cart” button on the top right corner of the page.

· In checkout page, you can change the item quantity and remove an item from your cart. You can use coupon to get some discount as well.

· To Place Your Order:When you are ready to place your order, enter your account and password and then continue to enter your shipping information.

· Then choose your shipping method and payment method. After finishing your payment, you will receive an e-mail about order confirmation.

· Congratulation!You have succesfully place an order at our store.

In the entire process of your payment, you can click and check on Terms Of Service, Return Policy and Privacy Policy in the lower left corner. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.